updated shabby background code jan 2011

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Videos of Avery

I finally got some adorable videos I have taken of Avery over the last 3 months off my phone.  She is "talking" a lot now, making the cutest baby sounds all the time! It is tough to catch them on video but I managed to get a few, enjoy!

Avery in the bathtub, 6 weeks old

9 weeks old, Cutest Girl Ever!

Avery, 11 weeks "talking"

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Avery's First Catalina trip

This past weekend we were excited to take Avery over to Avalon for the first time. We took the Express out of Dana Point on Friday and she slept the whole way in her carrier on my chest. The weather was just beautiful, the warmest and least windy it had been all summer, according to Alex's grandparents who spend their summer there every year.  Pat and Al were nice enough to let us come over and spend the weekend with them at their condo, and we had a wonderful time. First thing we did was go to Casino Dock Cafe and get lunch and a pitcher of beer with Grandpa Al.  Saturday, Alex tried out the new zip-lining tour they installed recently and he loved it! Then, we hung out at Descanso and watched the outriggers get loaded up on the grass from the Female Outrigger Catalina Crossing Championships. We took a walk around town to get some pictures with our new camera, and we came home Sunday afternoon.
It was a wonderful and relaxing weekend and we can't wait to do it again! Thanks SO MUCH, Pat and Al it was great spending some quiet time with you both.
Enjoy the pictures!
She did great on the boat, slept the whole way there and home!


Me and Grandpa Al

Catalina Baby

Gorgeous views on the zip line

Look honey, no hands!

Lounging at Descanso

Avery loves to dance!

Colorful outrigger boats

Lovers Cove

Happy 57th Wedding Anniversary!!

Thanks for having us :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day weekend!

True to form, we had quite a busy weekend and took advantage of 3 days off together.  Friday, after Avery's 2 month appointment in which she got her vaccinations (she did a great job! No bad reactions, thank goodness), we hit the road and made our first stop in Valencia to have dinner with my brother, his fiance Lauren, my dad, and Courtney and her 13 month old daughter, Abbie.
The next morning we drove up to San Luis Obispo for a wedding, stopping first in Santa Barbara to visit with Val and her 3 1/2 month old daughter, Zoe.  Sarah and Matthew's wedding was absolutely amazing! She did such a great job planning it and putting so many personal touches on it, check out this link to a video summary of their special day: http://www.vimeo.com/14709412
It was pretty cold so we couldn't stay at the wedding very long, but we were able to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. Hames and other friends the next day before starting the long drive home. (Special thanks to my mom for spending the weekend spoiling Griffy!)
On Labor Day, we BBQ'ed with the Cann family and turned in early.
We had a wonderful weekend visiting with friends and family, and of course, took lots of pictures. Enjoy!
Court and I with our baby girls, Abbie and Avery
Avery got a new toy from a friend that didn't need it anymore!
She is still too small for it, but we wanted to try it out :)
The bride and groom @ Flying Caballos Ranch
Avery made sure everyone knew she was there by crying right in the middle of the ceremony!! 
Alex did a good job quieting her down quickly, but we were quite embarrassed!
The only pic of Avery at the wedding all bundled up, it got pretty cold!
Beautiful face, 2 months old

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Avery is 2 months old!

Our little girl is not so little anymore! She is growing so much and we are enjoying every moment.  Here are a list of her "accomplishments" and of course, a LOT of photos of our favorite subject! Enjoy
Our baby Avery is:
  • Still wearing size 1 diapers but they are fitting pretty snugly!
  • Weighing in at 12 pounds and is 23 inches long
  • Looking SO CUTE and fitting well in all her size 0-3 months clothes that have been hanging in her closet for months (Mommy is particularly excited about this)
  • Smiling all the time! It is hands-down the cutest thing we have ever seen and our hearts melt when she does it on cue (which is usually an elaborate nose-kissing, neck-tickling process that Daddy is best at)
  • On a predictable schedule of nursing every 3 hours, playing for about 30 minutes and napping for about an hour during the day.
  • Sleeping 6 hours at night regularly, waking only once to nurse
  • Making adorable "baby sounds" which are giving us a glimpse at what her adorable voice will soon sound like
  • Going on her first big trips this month: First to San Luis Obispo for a wedding, followed by a trip to Catalina!  (I am sure there will be LOTS of pics to share of both these events, so stay tuned!)
2 month photo shoot
Cute smiley girl

In case anyone wasn't sure, she is 100% loved by her grandmas (and her parents, her neighbors, her Roo, random people in the grocery store...)
Tummy Time
Mommy loves to dress her up, and she is (mostly) cooperative
best buds