Today I am 24 weeks (6 months) pregnant and we are finally ready to get started on this baby girl's nursery! For those that know me, I am very "project oriented" and love to plan things so this is pretty exciting for me at the moment!
We found a great deal on a hand-me-down American Baby crib and dresser/changer set, and we have decided on the color scheme and bedding pattern we are going to go with. The fabric for the bumper that my handy dandy mom is going to sew for me looks like this:
As soon as it arrives (3 weeks, argh!) we will go to Joanns and shop for complimentary fabric for the other side of the bumper and the ties, cording, etc. The tutorial we are planning to use to make it is this: and maybe there will be enough fabric to make a changing pad cover and pillow as well.
Here is the room as it currently looks:
If that isn't a blank canvas, I don't know what is! The furniture is an ecru, off-white color while everything else is various shades of white. We DEFINITELY need some color in there!
Since we are renting and we can't wall paper or build any wainscoting or chair rails (which I would REALLY love to do) we have decided we are going to use a faux-wall paper affect and stencil the crib wall with this stencil, in a light pink on pink tone with accents of the blue, using this blog as a technique guide:

We intend to add some other design elements like the letters of her name on the wall, but done a bit differently than how we did Avery's (hanging from ribbons):
I plan to put the letters on the non-stenciled wall above the changing table. All the other walls will be in a shade of blue/green like this, but a few shades lighter:
In addition to the crib and dresser, we will have another dresser in the closet (this girl has SO SO SO MANY clothes already! Sheesh!) and we intend to get a corner piece to go in between the crib and changer for the monitor camera and books, and a low storage bench of some kind under the window. We also want to get a glider like this one for the corner where the swing currently sits in the pic (that will move into our room so Mama can take a shower!):
or this: 
I love DIY projects, so I plan to try and make a mobile somehow along the lines of this, centered on the ceiling above the crib with a ceiling medallion surrounding the hook:
And I also plan to make some decorative flower balls to hang at various heights above the glider like this:
I am so excited to get started! I will keep everyone posted on here (as most of my FB community couldn't care less about this, haha!) as we get going on it.
Thanks for reading!