updated shabby background code jan 2011

Monday, February 27, 2012

Kelly's Baby Shower

My good friend Kelly from college is pregnant with her first child, a boy to be named Johnny Austin Neubauer. She is due 2 weeks after me on May 29th, and even though she lives with her husband Dan in Beufort, South Carolina, they were able to make it home to Yorba Linda this past weekend for her baby shower! I hadn't seen Kelly in months and I was so glad to have been able to visit with her and rub her cute little belly. She won't be back in town until the late summer with her new son, and I am looking forward to meeting him then!
The shower was beautiful, her mother and sister Shelly did a fantastic job arranging everything. We had a delicious sit-down lunch, played a few really fun games, and watched her "ooh and ahh" over all the little baby clothes and gear she will need when little Johnny arrives.
Kelly and Dan both come from 2 of the most wonderful and loving families around, and without a doubt, they will be the absolute best parents. Even though Dan is leaving in 2 weeks for a 7 month deployment, Kelly has the most supportive family to help her through delivery and the first few months of being a new mom. I wish I was closer to help her however I can, but since we will both be up late at night nursing newborns in the spring, I will make myself available for round-the-clock text messages and phone calls whenever she needs, haha!

Congrats to Kelly and Dan!! Enjoy the pictures.

Yorba Linda Country Club

Lots of gifts for baby Johnny!

Kelly, Courtney and me, all friends from college!
Grandma Tina, Dad to be Dan, Kelly, Grandma Carole, and Auntie Shelly

The grandmas are so excited!!

"Schmoopie" makes his appearance to help open gifts

Cute little boy clothes

A quilt that Dan used when he was a little boy

Little fighter pilot jacket!!

Zoo trip

Our friends, Val and JC Steve were in town with their little girl Zoe, so we took the opportunity to go to the world famous San Diego Zoo with the kiddos. We were joined by Court and Kevin Pendleton and their little girl Madison. The weather was great and we had a wonderful day, despite the fact that we arrived at 11 and all 3 girls typically nap around 12:30. We powered through until 3:30 and no one had too much of a melt-down (of course all the kids passed out before we even got out of the parking lot!)
Enjoy the pics!
daddy and his girl ready to go!

Zoe (20 mos), Avery (19 mos) and Maddy (28 mos)

Holding hands, walking through the zoo! SO cute!

Monkey baby

Taking a rest on the Daddy Express

Doing her flamingo stance

Polar Bear exhibit was AMAZING

Watching the polar bears play

Me and my girl and Ms Polar Bear

Avery and Maddy playing with the saber tooth

Photo booth fun

Feeding the goats in the petting zoo

Court (preggo with baby Jake, due in June), Val (not preggo yet, haha)
and me in front of the zoo sign

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Avery can say her name!

I guess that doesn't sound like a big deal and maybe it isn't, but I was shocked to learn that my own child possessed this skill the other day! We went to an OB appt to check on baby sister and the receptionist was chatting with Avery while I was checking out. She leans over the counter and asks Avery, "What is your name?" And clear as day without missing a beat, she replied, "Av-eee!" My jaw dropped!  I swear, literally every day something new pops out of her mouth and it is so exciting to us. It makes us feel so proud (and a little nervous, time to watch our language!) She needs to stop growing up so fast, boo hoo.
Anyway, she is a little shy with this new skill but Alex managed to get her saying a few choice words on video, so enjoy!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Kisses Video

This is one of the many moments of being a mother that makes all the tough ones SOOO worth it!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Harper's Nursery PART 2

Ok, so we have made some progress!! The painting of the room went very well over all. We have 3 light blue walls and one pink wall. The stenciling project turned out to be a doozie, which I had sort of anticipated but didn't really grasp the full scope of.
First of all, not that this is new information to anyone, but painting is a pain in the BUTT. You have to block off hours of uninterrupted time, change your clothes and have necessary supplies like water and good music on hand. All of these things become MUCH more challenging when you have a toddler running around. Needless to say, the stenciling ended up taking me close to 2 weeks since I only had 2 hours or so a day during Avery's nap to commit to it (by the time she goes to bed I am WAY too pooped to go through all of that again and I have studying to do for my classes). We got half-way done with the wall when we decided to make a slight design change and add a chair rail so the stencil wouldn't have to be continued to the floor (yipee!) and it turned out great!

Here are the painted walls and the stencil is up and ready to go.

We did a lighter shade of the same pink color as the wall, and I used the same blue on the other walls to accent part of the design.

I learned many things: definitely use spray adhesive on the back of the stencil before placing on the wall to get a tight fit so paint doesn't seep under and blur the edges of the design (put a piece of cardboard under before spraying); go slowly and use very little paint even if it is tempting to rush it; don't leave the stencil on the wall too long after finishing the stencil (the spray adhesive ripped some paint off the wall, boo)...

Here is a few repeats of the pattern. It looks awesome! The stencil has very easy to follow directions (read them FIRST!!) and has many "windows" of design that overlap with what you have already done so you are sure you have aligned it right before starting the next one. The amount of paint used is so minimal it dries as you go so I never had any problem with smudging.

And after many touch-ups, here is the finished product in the light of day!

Another shot with the blue walls in the pic.

I am VERY pleased with the way it has all turned out so far. Shout out to Alex for doing the chair rail perfectly and helping A LOT with the solid walls (and not at all with the stencil, but that is 100% due to my control issues not his lack of offering!) Now I have a few more elements to add (wall letters, mobile, glider, rug, etc) and then all we need is a sweet little BABY whose face I cannot wait to see and kiss! Eek! 14 weeks (or less, hopefully less haha) to go!