My wonderful Momma hosted a beautiful beachy baby shower for Grady and I at our home recently. We invited family and a few friends to celebrate our son. My mom impressed everyone with her delicious food and we played a few fun games, and of course I was showered GENEROUSLY with blue and green gifts galore! We couldn't be more touched by everyone's excitement for little Grady's arrival and it makes the whole experience of having a third baby much more thrilling than one would think. We still can't believe we are having the little boy that we both have dreamed of and won't fully believe it until he is in our arms in LESS THAN A MONTH!
Enjoy some pictures from the shower!
Amazing spread made with love by Nana
Best and prettiest group of moms ever!
So fortunate to have them in my and my kids lives
Nana and her 4th grandchild, first grandson!
My Aunt Kathy, cousin Danielle and her daughter Hailey, Sis in Law Lauren and baby Penny, and my brother Corey.
"I'm the Little Brother"
Little boy's closet
is the envy of his sisters! STUFFED!
As of 9/20 I am 36 weeks pregnant, technically 9 months. But as you may remember from my explanation when I was this far along with Harper, women are actually pregnant for 40 weeks which is 10 months. So we are 1 month away, let the count down begin! I have 4 doctors appointments left on the books, though I am hoping to not make it to my last one scheduled the day before my due date.
I am feeling fine still, though big and hot. I am still sleeping ok as far as comfort goes, but the "baby insomnia" is kicking in a bit. My mind is full of thoughts of my baby-to-be and how anxious I am to meet him and check things off my list before his arrival.
Aside from him and I both measuring a few weeks ahead, there haven't really been any signs of him coming early, unfortunately. I have had Braxton Hicks contractions, but normally when I am doing something I shouldn't like lifting a giant toddler, hauling grocery bags in and out of the car, and bending down excessively to pick up stuff off the floor. Ah the joys of a third pregnancy! I am starting to get mild swelling in my feet and hands by the end of the day, but nothing too bad.
My hospital bag is packed and I am currently washing all the bed and bassinet linens, and getting the car seat ready.
When I hit 37 weeks after my next appointment, in which I should get another ultrasound to check his position and my fluid levels, (he has been head down for weeks and my fluid has been in the high range of normal) I intend to start drinking Red Raspberry Leaf tea (which is supposed to bring on contractions which "tone" the uterus for labor) and taking Evening Primrose Oil supplements (which is supposed to aid in cervical dilation and make labor easier). I will also stop being lazy (ha! I wish) and start to walk as often as I can and bounce on the ab ball to try and get things going!
In summary, we are ready. Ready to welcome the newest and last addition to our family. Ready to introduce our son to our wonderful daughters. Ready to not be pregnant anymore or EVER AGAIN!