Oh how I look forward to this holiday every year! This year I got to share the day with Harper because she turned 2! I will always love to share this holiday with my sweet baby girl, and when she is grown up it will give her double reason to come see me (rather, double reason for me to guilt her into coming to see me, heehee)
A few days before Mothers Day, I was invited to Avery's school along with the other mothers, for a special Muffins for Mommy's day. She made me a flower and filled out a questionnaire about me. The best was just hanging out with her in the classroom for a little bit as we read stories and played games with her friends. I marvel at how confident and happy she appears to be at school, I couldn't be more proud.
Before the birthday festivities began, it was all about me! I got flowers from my mom, a foam roller and some non-contingent $$ from Alex (yay!) and the sweetest homemade, hand painted card from my three wonderful babies.
Avery was embarrassed because she hadn't put her princess crown on yet ;)
yay! happy me day!
Then we packed for the weekend, got everyone dressed and in the car and headed up to Newport Beach to our annual Mothers Day brunch at the American Legion with Alex's family (because what mother doesn't love packing for 4 people, getting 3 kids dressed and keeping them clean, then driving for an hour all while breastfeeding and changing diapers on Mothers Day?? Haha, just kidding Alex was VERY helpful as always). It was so great seeing everyone, especially John Paul who was in town from San Francisco. The girls loved
I relaxed in the shade and enjoyed several a few straight champagne mimosas and ate delicious food that gets better there every year! Grandpa Al is so kind to treat us all to this meal and I truly love being a part of this amazing family and this awesome tradition.
There was a wedding at the Legion the night before so there were still decorations up in one area, and the groom was there cleaning up. I saw this sign and cracked up, asked if I could take a picture of it. He says "is that your husband? He should hold it in the picture!" Couldn't have agreed more :)
All in all, it was a wonderful day that ended with my little Fiesta of Five at California Adventure where I got to ride a REAL roller coaster all by myself! I haven't done that in years, so fun.
My little rugrats are the reason I am a mom and it has been the most profound thing I have ever done in my life. My heart bursts with love and pride for my kids and my family (that's the reason why I share so much!).
Special thanks to my INCREDIBLE husband for providing me the opportunity to realize my life-long dream of becoming a mommy, and allowing me to stay home with them as they grow to relish every momentous and irritating moment. And I know for a FACT that I irritate him 100 times more than he irritates me. :)
I am one LUCKY lady!