Avery Patricia Klingensmith changed our world on Friday, July 2nd at 8:43 pm, weighing 7 lbs 7 oz and measuring 19.5 inches. She was born 12 hours after we were admitted to the hospital when my water broke in the morning (though it was more of a leak), and after less than 2 hours of pushing. We needed a little help from a vacuum at the end, but she is perfectly healthy and already doing very well with nursing. Our little family of 3 (and Roo, of course) have enjoyed being home and receiving family and friends. We are SO blessed and touched to have the love and support of so many people who are genuinely happy and excited for us that we couldn't ask for anything more.
Special thanks to my mom, Avery's Grammy, for taking care of our other baby while we were in the hospital and making our home more than ready and welcoming for us and Avery.
We can't wait to show her off to everyone and are looking forward to all of the exciting things to come! Enjoy the pictures!
On the scale
New family of 3
Grammy and Grampa on Mom's side
Great Grampa Tats, Alex's Grandpa
Grammy and Grampa Klingensmith

New daddy, a natural already
Yay! Can't wait to meet her!!