As I said in the Halloween post, we really get the most out of the holidays now that we have kids. We spend all month celebrating in different ways. We drove around our neighborhood in our PJ's seeing the lights while drinking hot chocolate. We listen to Christmas music non-stop, watch Christmas movies and read Christmas books before bed.
Annual Newport Beach Boat Parade Party at Grandma Pat and Grandpa Al's on Lido Island |
Seeing the Christmas Lights!

We played in the snow at Legoland with daddy
Grady's first Christmas and visit with Santa!
Avery's preschool had a Holiday Performance and all the 3 year olds sang Christmas songs together. It was adorable!!
We had many holiday-themed play dates as well as a big Christmas party in which we rented a community room, had games and crafts, everyone brought food and Santa came to bring all the kids toys. It was awesome! Our playgroup leader Sara, really out did herself this year!
At home on Christmas Eve we put cookies and milk out for Santa and carrots out for the reindeer then sent the kids to bed and Santa's "elves" went to work!
In the morning, we had to wake the girls (for once!) as we couldn't wait for them to see what Santa had brought them.
Avery got a bike (Harper testing it out)
Harper got a scooter thing (Avery testing it out)
As requested from Santa, Avery also got a "long purple dress"
After breaking in the new toys and having some breakfast, we got dressed and packed the kids in the car to head to Yaya and Papa's house for some more goodies and presents.
Then we headed on to Lido to have Christmas dinner with The Klingensmiths.
Until next year...
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