Our baby Avery is:
- Still wearing size 1 diapers but they are fitting pretty snugly!
- Weighing in at 12 pounds and is 23 inches long
- Looking SO CUTE and fitting well in all her size 0-3 months clothes that have been hanging in her closet for months (Mommy is particularly excited about this)
- Smiling all the time! It is hands-down the cutest thing we have ever seen and our hearts melt when she does it on cue (which is usually an elaborate nose-kissing, neck-tickling process that Daddy is best at)
- On a predictable schedule of nursing every 3 hours, playing for about 30 minutes and napping for about an hour during the day.
- Sleeping 6 hours at night regularly, waking only once to nurse
- Making adorable "baby sounds" which are giving us a glimpse at what her adorable voice will soon sound like
- Going on her first big trips this month: First to San Luis Obispo for a wedding, followed by a trip to Catalina! (I am sure there will be LOTS of pics to share of both these events, so stay tuned!)
2 month photo shoot
Cute smiley girl
In case anyone wasn't sure, she is 100% loved by her grandmas (and her parents, her neighbors, her Roo, random people in the grocery store...)
Tummy Time
My daughter is 6wks today . . . Reading your blog is fun because I get a little preview of what is to come. I also do not have to wait that long for it either! :)