updated shabby background code jan 2011

Monday, February 17, 2014

Christmas 2013

I always look forward to the holidays, it is probably my very favorite time of the year followed closely by the summer. But this year, it was our first as a complete family of 5 and I was even more excited for them! With Thanksgiving being so late we were able to decorate the house right after and I like doing that anyways, but this time Alex was on board too!

As I said in the Halloween post, we really get the most out of the holidays now that we have kids. We spend all month celebrating in different ways. We drove around our neighborhood in our PJ's seeing the lights while drinking hot chocolate. We listen to Christmas music non-stop, watch Christmas movies and read Christmas books before bed.

This year is the first year we thought Avery was old enough to get the concept of the Elf on the Shelf. So Leah the Elf arrived at our house on Dec 1st and we all had a lot of fun with her. She asked us to donate toys to make room for the ones Santa would bring them if they were good, then she wound up in some funny places over the month...

Annual Newport Beach Boat Parade Party at Grandma Pat and Grandpa Al's on Lido Island

Seeing the Christmas Lights!


We played in the snow at Legoland with daddy

Grady's first Christmas and visit with Santa!

Avery's preschool had a Holiday Performance and all the 3 year olds sang Christmas songs together. It was adorable!!

                                Avery is boy crazy already! But at least she has excellent taste ;)

We had many holiday-themed play dates as well as a big Christmas party in which we rented a community room, had games and crafts, everyone brought food and Santa came to bring all the kids toys. It was awesome! Our playgroup leader Sara, really out did herself this year!

Christmas Eve was spent at Oma's with my family and the girls were spoiled. It was great getting our kids together with their cousin Penny and my cousins 3 kids, Anthony, Hailey and Steven.

At home on Christmas Eve we put cookies and milk out for Santa and carrots out for the reindeer then sent the kids to bed and Santa's "elves" went to work!

In the morning, we had to wake the girls (for once!) as we couldn't wait for them to see what Santa had brought them.

Avery got a bike (Harper testing it out)

Harper got a scooter thing (Avery testing it out)

As requested from Santa, Avery also got a "long purple dress"

After breaking in the new toys and having some breakfast, we got dressed and packed the kids in the car to head to Yaya and Papa's house for some more goodies and presents. 
Then we headed on to Lido to have Christmas dinner with The Klingensmiths.

Until next year...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day 2014

Happy Valentines Day!
My heart is so full of love today and always, and we showed it in many ways.
We went to a playgroup party on Monday, but Harper was sick so she stayed home with Daddy. 

My little heart throb!

I staged this picture of my little Valentine a few weeks ago and it turned out ADORABLE!
I got the idea from Pinterest (of course) and was excited to set up my own photo shoot. Grady is the most cooperative model and let me smooch him all over with bright lipstick after I covered the couch with an old sheet (make up remover wipes got the lipstick off him pretty easily). 
He smiled and cooed as I snapped away!

Alex and I didn't "do"anything for Valentines this year which is fine with me. He did write me the sweetest poem, and made me and the girls waffles in the morning. He also got me a spa gift card and some beautiful roses! The girls and I made him a card with my friend Val and her kids Zoe and Lincoln, and we decorated and ate cookies.

I am the luckiest girl in the world to have Alex as my partner in life and to help me raise our little animals. Life is crazy and hectic and I truly wouldn't want it any other way. 
Happy Love Day!

Grady is 4 months!

Grady is 4 months! Wow did that fly by! He continues to be the perfect addition to our family. He is so smiley and has even giggled a few times. He loves to "fly" in the air and has started sitting in his jumper this month. Grady has started waking up in the night again, every 2-4 hours which is really wearing me out.  I hope it is temporary and he will start sleeping longer stretches again soon.

We are still going strong with nursing, and I am loving it! He continues to spit up a ton like he always has, but he is growing so I am not concerned. He is wearing 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers.

At his 2 month well baby appointment, the pediatrician noticed he had a tight neck and turned his head to the right, causing the back of his head to be a little flat on the side. Since then I have been diligent about encouraging him to sleep with his head to the left to hopefully correct it without him needing a helmet. I think it is pretty much gone and barely noticeable, but we will see what they say at his well check next week.

Here some cute pics taken of our blue-eyed 4 month old!