Here is some stats about our 11 month old:
- Avery weighs 26 pounds and is wearing 18-24 month clothing and size 3 shoes.
- She is eating all kinds of foods and likes most things she tries, but cheese sticks are definitely her favorite thing to eat!
- She has 5 teeth (three on top, two on the bottom) still and doesn't seem to be teething
- SHE IS WALKING!!! She took her first independent steps (14 of them, to be exact!) on June 11 and she has been a walking machine since. Just today (14th) she has let go of objects and walked all by herself across the room! So exciting!
- Avery is quite a social butterfly. Loves waving at anyone who looks in her general direction and enjoys watching and playing alongside other kids.
- We have been going to the gym and she has done great in the kids club
Enjoy the video of her first steps but MUTE YOUR COMPUTER, mommy screams pretty loudly, haha! Very exciting for me :)
Tish, Avery is so adorable! Isn't it so much fun now that she is walking? Love that she is having a Luau for her is Jada! Have fun celebrating with her, can't believe it's already been a year! Heather Shuck